gentle & safe with helbo treatment a healthy mouth - for your whole life
2 natural balance wanted? bacteria can trigger symptoms in the oral cavity such as bleeding gums receding gums odour in the mouth pain loosening of the teeth tooth loss and implant loss natural bacteria can trigger symptoms in the oral cavity such as bacteria can trigger symptoms in the oral cavity such as bleeding gums receding gums odour in the mouth pain loosening of the teeth tooth loss and implant loss
3 3 3 3 restoring the balance: the classical treatment methods it is well known that infections in the mouth are treated with either antibiotics or using disinfecting rinsing solutions. both methods have their disadvantages: when taking antibiotics there is the risk of - severe, unpleasant side effects, for example in the gastrointesti- nal tract - adverse effects with other medication, e.g. with contra- ceptives and circulatory medi- cation - increasing resistance to anti- biotics - allergies occurring with incre- asing frequency and all of this, although the oral infection has often only affec- ted a relatively small area of the body - using antibiotics however affects your entire body! disinfecting rinsing solutions on the other hand are only effective on the surface and do not suffice in the case of severe or difficult to access infections. patients therefore often require additional, inconvenient (e.g. surgical) procedures. this does not have to be the case, if you choose helbo‘s gentle and safe treatment. there are over 500 different types of bacteria and a number of fungi in the mouth. they are an important part of the digestive system as they process protein and break down food debris – ideally the bacteria and fungi exist in balance and control them- selves. however, the system is sensitive. acute or chronic infections can occur depending on the general state of a person‘s health, the conditi- on of the teeth and the dental treatment carried out. these conditions destroy the natural balance - pathogenic bacteria gain the upper hand. chronic infl ammations of the mouth in particular often affect the whole body. we therefore know today that they can trigger heart disease, strokes or even premature births.
helbo treatment: gentle and effective the helbo treatment with dye and laser light offers painless and rapid application. it is a purely local treatment to destroy the bacteria and fungi which cause inflammation and, most importantly, has no negative side effects. three steps to restoring the balance: - after prior rinsing, the infec- ted sites are covered with a blue dye solution. - the dye solution is activated by subsequent exposure to a mild laser. - due to the combination of lightactivated dye solution and laser light, highly reacti- ve oxygen is produced – this leads to the destruction of bacteria and fungi. the bacteria causing you to be ill therefore die off! as a result, your body once again creates a natural and healthy balance. what is more, studies show that the laser light also reduces pain and promotes wound healing. 4
advantages to win you over! painless a low-energy laser is used during helbo treatment. no heat is generated and the laser light has a pain-reducing effect. successful depending on the indication, the infl ammation subsides with one or a few treatments. healthy helbo treatment accelerates wound healing. quick the treatment of a tooth or individual area only takes a few minutes. effective in comparison to rinsing solu- tions, helbo treatment even reaches diffi cult-to-treat areas. tested the effect is documented by more than 50 scientific publi- cations. blue – the colour of trust and reliability as intensive dyeing of the bac- teria is required for treatment, superficial blue staining often remains in the infected areas and sometimes also in the visible area after treatment. this, however, dissolves after two to four hours on its own. in addition, there are no known side effects or allergies at all when using the dye solution. what the expert says „helbo treatment is the most effective and most patient-fri- endly alternative to known pro- cedures in terms of prophylaxis and treatment of infections in the oral cavity.“ (pd dr. jörg neugebauer, university of cologne and landsberg am lech) 5
helbo works like this a tooth bed that is infected with bacteria and infl amed degenerates constantly. over time, the teeth lose their grip. the same applies to implants, i.e. artifi cial tooth roots, around which the jaw bone becomes infl amed. the result: the natural or artifi- cial tooth is lost. periodontitis/periimplantitis is noticeable due to: - odour in the mouth - bleeding gums (only in the case of non-smokers) - sensitive teeth - degeneration of the gums - pain is possible at the begin- ning of the infl ammation but is rare - exposed necks of the teeth - loose teeth step 1: professional cleaning of the teeth/implant step 2: application of the dye solution into the gaps step 3: rinsing out of the excess dye solution step 4: exposure to gentle laser light leads to destruction of the bacteria inflammation of the tooth bed (periodontitis) inflammation around the implant (periimplantitis) 6 how will it work for me?
inflammation of the root of the tooth (endodontitis) the nerve of a tooth infected by caries and therefore by bac- teria for example is extremely painful. there is infl ammation, which affects the bone further along. the tooth is sensitive to pressure and loosens. in the worst case, the tooth has to be removed. inflammation of the root of the tooth (endodontitis) is recognisable by severe pulsating or throbbing pain in the tooth. step 1: cleaning of the root canal step 2: application of the dye solution into the root canal helbo works like this step 3: rinsing out of the excess dye solution step 4: exposure to gentle laser light leads to destruc- tion of the bacteria 7
how will it work for me? 8 dental surgery/ disturbances to wound healing during an extraction, your dentist removes teeth which are not worth preserving. there is usually infl ammation around and in the bone and therefore bacterial growth in the remai- ning tooth pocket. this can lead to disturbances to wound healing, which can prevent re- generation. if the jaw bone has degenerated severely over time, as in the case, for example, of teeth which have been missing a long time, an operation to reconstruct the bone must be carried out. during such operations on the jaw or also in the case of various gene- ral illnesses with corresponding medication, wound infections can develop. this also includes bac- terial contaminations of the root canals and of the surrounding bone. step 1: excavation of the infec- ted areas step 2: application of dye solution step 3: rinsing out of the excess dye solution step 4: exposure to gentle laser light leads to destruction of the bacteria helbo works like this
9 caries caries must be treated before they destroy the tooth substance and reach the sensitive area of the root of the tooth and before infl ammation of the root of the tooth is triggered. even in the case of incipient caries, for example in the case of maxilloorthopaedic treat- ments which create hard-to- clean areas, the process should be stopped as soon as possible step 1: diagnosis of a deep carious site on the tooth step 2: removal of the destroyed tissue step 3: application and rinsing out of the excess dye solution step 4: exposure to gentle laser light leads to destruction of the bacteria helbo works like this
10 find your natural balance!
11 - achieves a high rate of treatment success without side effects - can be used any number of times - significantly reduces the taking of antibiotics - often circumvents necessary surgical procedures - treats only the infected area of the mouth – therefore works on a purely local basis - shows no development of resistance - makes painless aftercare of disturbances to wound healing possible helbo treatment for you at a glance! - erreicht einen hohen behandlungserfolg ohne nebenwirkungen - kann beliebig oft angewandt werden - reduziert die einnahme von antibiotika deutlich - umgeht oftmals notwendige chirurgische eingriffe - behandelt lediglich das infizierte areal im mund – wirkt also rein lokal - weist keine resistenz- bildungen auf - macht eine schmerzfreie nachbehandlung von wund- heilungsstörungen möglich die helbo-therapie für sie auf einen blick!
inflammation of the tooth bed (periodontitis) inflammation around the implant (periimplantitis) inflammation of the root of the tooth (endodontitis) dental surgery/ disturbances to wound healing caries practice stamp bredent medical gmbh & co. kg | weissenhorner str. 2 | 89250 senden | germany | t: (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72 - 4 41 | f: (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72 - 4 44 | | @: more information at: helbo treatment these infections can be treated using helbo treatment – efficiently and painlessly! subject to changes 000484gb-20131119