Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT)
Research and studies on antimicrobial photodynamic therapy stretch back over more than 15 years, with recognised authors publishing works on this subject. We have collected some of the fundamental publications together for you.
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Prof. Dr. F. Khoury, Dr. Elias Jean-Jacques Khoury
EAO Congress Mailand, 10/24
Photodynamic therapy and socket shield technique in infected sockets: A randomized controlled trial
Dr. T.V. Narayan & Dr. S. Narayan
EAO Congress Mailand 10/24
Bactericidal Effect of Different Photochemical-Based Therapy Options on Implant Surfaces—An In Vitro Study
Prof. Andreas Braun
Journal of Clinical Medicine 07/24
Burning Mouth Syndrome Treated with Low-Level Laser and Clonazepam: A Randomized, Single-Blind Clinical Trial
Ana Garcia Martinez
Biomedicines 05/2024
Evaluation of photodynamic therapy efficacy vs. conventional antifungal therapy in patients with poor-fitting dentures suffering from denture stomatitis. A prospective clinical study
PhD D. Rakasevic
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 01/2024
Photodynamic Therapy in Reconstructive Peri-implantitis Therapy
PhD D. Rakasevic
Poster Presentation SEPA 2023
Adjunctive use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
PhD P. Poli
Poster Presentation EAO 2022
Two- and four-year follow-ups after adjuvant photodynamic therapy in the surgical regenerative therapy of periimplantitis. Clinical and immunological outcomes assessment.
PhD D. Rakasevic
Poster Presentation EAO 2022
Efficiency of xenografts with or without hyaluronic acid in a peri-implantitis surgery. Pilot study
PhD D. Rakasevic
Poster Presentation EAO 2022
Gestione innovativa di un difetto di forcazione: dalla diagnosi alla terapia fotodinamica
Dr. A. Benetti
Parodontologia E Medicina Orale 06/2021
Follow-up a 5 anni di un difetto infraosseo documentato con tecnologia 3D e Periomapp
Dr. A. Benetti
Regenerative Treatment of Peri-Implantitis Following Implant Surface Decontamination With Titanium Brush and Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: A Case Series With Reentry
Dr. P. Poli
Journal of Oral Implantology 12/2020
Adjunctive application of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the prevention of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw following dentoalveolar surgery: A case series
Dr. P. Poli
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 06/2019
Adjuvant low-intensity photodynamic procedures in periodontal treatment: A case series report from dental practice
Dr. M. Vock
Oral Health and Care 10/2019
Adjunctive antimicrobial photodynamic therapy to conventional chemomechanical debridement of infected root canal systems: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Dr. M. Pourhajibagher
Photodiagnosos and Photodynamic Therapy 02/2019
Multiple sessions of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy associated with surgical periodontal treatment in patients with chronic periodontitis
Dr. B.C. Uislen
Journal of Periodontology 10/18
Microbiologic effect of two topical anti-infective treatments on ligature-induced peri-implantitis: A pilot study in dogs
Dr. U. Ramos
Journal of Periodontology 07/18
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as substitute for systemic antibiotics in immediate implant placement following ligature-induced periodontitis
Prof. Dr. A. Novaes
Poster Presentation EuroPerio 06/2018
Adjunctive use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: A case report.
Dr. P. Poli
J Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 06/2018
Effect of surgical periodontal treatment associated to antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on chronic periodontitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
Prof. Dr. A. Novaes
J Clin Periodontology 05/2017
Effect of photodynamic therapy in combination with various irrigation protocols on an endodontic multispecies biofilm ex vivo.
Dr. D. Hoedke
International Endodontic Journal 03/2017
Comparison between two antimicrobial protocols with or without guided bone regeneration in the treatment of peri-implantitis. A histomorphometric study in dogs.
Dr. U. Ramos
J Clinical Oral Implants Research 01/2017
Effect of Repeated Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in Treatment of Periodontitis Associated with Faconi Anemia
Prof. Dr. M. Petelin
Photommedicine and Laser Surgery 01/2017
Effect of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy as an Adjunct to Nonsurgical Treatment of Deep Periodontal Pockets: A Clinical Study
Prof. Dr. A. Ahad
Jornal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 10/2016
Efficiency of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of peri-implantitis - A three-month randomized controlled clinical trial
Dr. D. Rakasevic
Srp Arh Celok Lek., 10/2016
Photodynamic Inactivation of Actinomyces naeslundii in Comparison With Chlorhexidine and Polyhexanide - A New Approach for Antiseptic Treatment of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw?
Dr. S. Hafner
Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 03/2016
Pain reduced by low-level Laser therapy during use of orthodontic separators in early mixed dentition
Dr. Steffen Stein
Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics 09/2015
Efficiency of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of peri-implantitis. A randomized controlled clinical trial
Dr. D. Rakasevic
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as adjunct to the non-surgical treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis without the use of systemic antibiotics
Prof. Dr. A. Novaes
Effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in treatment of periodontitis associated with Fanconi anemia - a case report
Prof. Dr. U. Matoh
Long-term Clinical Effect Of Adjunctive Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy In Periodontal Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Prof. Dr. H. Al-Waeli
Novel Use of PRF and PDT in the Management of Trauma Induced Root Resorption and Infrabony Defect
Prof. Dr. A.K.Lamba
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 05/2015
Six-month results following treatment of aggressive periodontitis with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy or amoxicillin and metronidazole
Prof. Dr. N. Arweiler
Clin Oral Invest 02/2014
Adjunctive role of photodynamic therapy in the nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of a molar with grade II furcation involvement
Prof. Dr. A.K.Lamba
Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization, 06/2014
Anti-infective therapy of peri-implantitis with adjunctive local drug delivery or photodynamic therapy: 12-month outcomes of a randomized controlled clinical trial
Prof. Dr. A. Sculean et al
Clinical Oral Implants Research 06/2013

Nonsurgical antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in moderate vs. severe peri-implant defects: A clinical pilot study
Prof. Dr. H. Deppe et al
Quintessence International Implantology 03/2013

Utilizzo della terapia fotodinamica Helbo nel trattamento delle periimplantiti: case report
Prof. G. M. Nardi
Hygiene Tribune Italian Edition 03/2013
Treating impaired wound healing in retromolar bone grafts
Dr. J. Neugebauer, Dr. F. Kistler, Dr. S. Kistler, Dr. F. Vizethum, Dr. D. Rothamel, Dr. M. Scheer, Prof. J. Zöller
EDI Journal, 09/2012
Antimicrobial efficacy of a high-power diode laser, photo-activated disinfection, conventional and sonic activated irrigation during root canal treatment
Dr.I.Bago et al
International Endodontic Journal 2012
Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for the Treatment of Teeth with Apical Periodontitis: A Histopathological Evaluation
Prof. Dr. L. Silva
Journal of Endodontics, März 2012
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the non-surgical treatment of aggressive periodontitis: microbiological profile
Prof. Dr. A. Novaes et al.
Lasers in Medical Science, März 2012
The impact of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in an artificial biofilm model
Dr. M. Schneider, Dr. G. Kirfel, Dr. M. Berthold, Prof. Dr. M. Frentzen, PD Dr. F. Krause, PD Dr. A. Braun
Lasers in Medical Science, 10/2011
Photodynamic therapy in aggressive periodontitis
Prof. Dr. T. Auschill, Prof. Dr. N. Arweiler, Dr. M. Pietruska, Dr. J. Pietruska, Dr. M. Blaes, Prof. Dr. A. Sculean
IADR General Session, San Diego, März 2011
The impact of laser irradiation during aPDT in an artificial biofilm model
Dr. M. Schneider, PD Dr. A. Braun
SPIE BiOS: Lasers in Dentistry XVII. January 22nd - 27th, San Francisco, USA (2011)
The effect of a single episode of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of experimental periodontitis. Microbiological profile and cytokine pattern in the dog mandible
Dr. R. Oliveira, Prof. Dr. A. Novaes, Dr. G. Garlet, Dr. R. de Souza, Dr. M. Taba, Dr. S. Sato, Dr. S. de Souza, Dr. D. Palioto, Prof. Dr. M. Grisi, Dr. M. Feres
Lasers in Medical Science; 2011
Full mouth antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in fusobacterium nucleatum - infected periodontitis patients
PD Dr. Dr. B. Sigusch, Dr. M. Engelbrecht, A. Völpel, A. Holletschke, Dr. W. Pfister, Dr. J. Schütze
Journal of Periodontology, 2010
Zastosowanie terapii fotodynamicznej aPDT w stomatologii
Waclaw Steczko DDS
Sztuka Implantologii 2/2010
Photodynamic therapy in periodontal therapy: Microbiological observations
from a private practice
Prof. Dr. G. Romanos, Dr. B. Brink
General Dentistry, March/April 2010
Effect of aPDT on Osteoblast Adherence and Growth in Vitro
Dr. Dr. M. Scheer, PD Dr. J. Neugebauer, PD Dr. Dr. D. Rothamel, T. Fienitz, Dr. L. Ritter, Prof. Dr. Dr. J. Zöller
Academy of Osseointegration, Orlando, Florida, USA, 03/2010
Review of Photodynamic Therapy of Periodontal Diseases
Dr. Hayder Al-Waeli, Jordan University of Science & Technology
AEEDC DUBAI 2010, 09 - 11 März
The impact of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on Streptococcus mutans in an artificial biofilm model
Dr. M. Schneider, PD Dr. A. Braun
SPIE BiOS: Lasers in Dentistry XVI, 01/2010
*Odontoiatra, Libero Professionista, Roma
**Odontoiatra, Libero Professionista, Heidelberg, Germania
One-year outcomes of repeated adjunctive photodynamic therapy during periodontal maintenance: a proof-of-principle randomized controlled clinical trial
Martina Lulic, Isabelle Leiggener Görög, Giovanni E. Salvi, Christoph A. Ramseier, Nikolaos Mattheos, Niklaus P. Lang
Prince Philip Dental Hospital, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; School of Medicine and Oral Health, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia
J Clin Periodontol 2009
The comparison of photodynamic and antibiotic therapy in patients with aggressive periodontitis: Preliminary results
Prof. Dr. Milan Petelin, Dr. Boris Gaspirc, Dr. Eva Scaleric
University Medical Centre, Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
ISOLA Congress 09/2009, Vienna
Low-level-Laser-Therapie: Ein neuer möglicher Ansatz bei chronischen
Wundheilungsstörungen und Bisphosphonatassoziierten
Osteonekrosen im Kieferbereich
Dr. S. Hafner, Dr. S. Otto
Wissen kompakt, 02/2009
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the non-surgical treatment of aggressive periodontitis: clinical, biomechanical and microbiological results
Prof. Dr. A. Novaes, Dr. R. Oliveira, Dr. H. Schwartz-Filho, Dr. M. Feres
EUROPERIO 6, 05/2009
Phenothiazine Chloride and Soft Laser Light have a Biostimulatory Effect on Human Osteoblastic Cells
Elisabeth Stein, Jadranka Koehn, Walter Sutter, Constanze Schmidl, Vesna Lezaic, Gabriele Wendtlandt, Franz Watzinger, Dritan Turhani
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Volume 27, Number 1, 2009
Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in the Non-Surgical Treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis: Cytokine Profile in Gingival Crevicular Fluid, Preliminary Results
Rafael Ramos de Olivera, Humberto Oswaldo Schwartz-Filho, Arthur Belém Novaes Jr., Gustavo Pompermaier Gralet, Raphael Freitas de Souza, Mário Taba Jr., Sérgio Luis Scombatti de Souza, Francisco Jeter Ribeiro
Journal of Periodontology 2009
Short-term clinical effects of adjunctive antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in periodontal treatment: a randomized clinical trial
Andreas Braun, Claudia Dehn, Felix Krause, Soren Jepsen
J Clin Periodontol 2008
Photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized controlled clinical trial
N. Christodoulides, D. Nikolidakis, P. Chrondros, J. Becker, F. Schwarz, R. Rössler, A. Sculean
Journal of Periodontology 2008
Photodynamic therapy as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in patients on periodontal maintenance: a randomized controlled clinical trial
P. Chrondros, D. Nikolidakis, N. Christodoulides, R. Rössler, N. Gutknecht, A. Sculean
Lasers Med Sci 2008
Clinical and Microbiological Study of Laser-assisted Periodontal Therapy
Birgit Brink, Georgios E. Romanos
IADR, September 26-29. 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece
Initial Therapy of Peri-implantitis by Anti-microbial Photodynamic Therapy
P. Scherer, J. Neugebauer, V.E. Karapetian, J. E. Zöller
ADI, 3-5 May 2007, Birmingham, UK
Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in the Non-Surgical Treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Clinical Study
Rafael R. de Oliveira, Humberto O. Schwartz-Filho, Arthur B. Novaes Jr., Mário Taba Jr.
Journal of Periodontology, Juni 2007
Biostimulation of bone marrow cells with a diode soft laser
Dortbudak O, Haas R, Mallath-Pokorny G.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2000 Dec; 11(6): 540-5. Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Effect of low-power laser irradiation on bony implant sites
Dortbudak O, Haas R, Mailath-Pokorny G.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2002 Jun; 13(3): 288-92. Department of Oral Surgery, Dental School, University of Vienna, Austria.
Lethal photosensitization for decontamination of implant surfaces in the treatment of peri-implantitis
Dortbudak O, Haas R, Bernhart T, Mailath-Pokorny G.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2001 Apr; 12(2): 104-8. Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry of the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.